Offering Osteopathy and Sports Injury Treatment in Yarm, Stockton, Ingleby Barwick and Middlesbrough
Opening Hours
Mon & Wed 09:30 - 19:00
Give us a call
01642 989 800

What we are doing to stay safe

What we are doing to stay safe

We can’t wait to be back to work helping and treating our patients as normal! We know that many of you are looking forward to coming back in to see us and we are hoping that we will be able to resume some sort of normality in a couple of weeks time.

In the meantime we are working really hard to ensure that when we do reopen we are able to reduce the risk of Covid-19 spread as much as possible.

These are just some of the measures that are now in place to keep you safe if you need to visit us.

• We are screening both staff and patients for any Covid-19 symptoms prior to all appointments. This will include a questionnaire and may involve taking temperatures prior to entering the building.

• We have a risk assessment protocol in place that prioritises your safety and well-being. This protocol enables us to decide on the safest form of appointment. In some cases we are advising video calls rather than a face to face visit to reduce risks in those who need advice support and assessment but are currently vulnerable or shielding.

• All patients will be asked to sanitise their hands on entry to the building.

• Our Osteopaths will be wearing aprons, gloves and appropriate face masks during any face to face contact. Current government guidelines suggest that it is advisable to wear a face covering whilst in shops or any indoor public space. So we are asking our patients to bring a face covering for use during their appointment.

• We are operating with a minimum number of people in our clinic at any one time.

• We are trying to limit the amount of time spent in the clinic as much as we can so we are sometimes taking information via telephone in advance and we are asking people to wait in their cars rather than the waiting room when possible.

• We are booking time in between each appointment to clean and disinfect all surfaces.

• Our staff and practitioners have all undergone training in infection prevention and control and are following strict hygiene guidelines.

• Our booking system allows you to book or rearrange your appointments, organise a video consultation with your osteopath and pay for treatment online.

• We are not currently accepting cash or cheques but ask that you pay with contactless or online methods.

Stay safe everyone. If you need our advice and help before we reopen just call and leave us a message and I will return your call.

Creating a Covid-19 Secure Clinic

Creating a Covid-19 Secure Clinic

No one has been untouched by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in some way. Throughout this time, the safety and well-being of all our patients and staff has been our utmost priority and will always continue to be at the core of all our decisions.  

We have missed being able to offer you the support and care that we know you value, and are planning to re-open our doors and are looking forward to welcoming you into the clinic again in June/July time, albeit with lo’s of changes and additional measures in place.

Being a healthcare environment, that inherently involves very close contact, there are obviously things we have to address and consider. 

Following the latest guidance, wherever possible, we will continue to offer virtual online appointments as a preferred alternative to face to face. Any patients making a booking will have to be assessed online first to identify which path of care is most appropriate for you. As it currently stands, lockdown restrictions have been eased and NOT lifted and therefore, we must continue to respect and follow guidance appropriately. 

Our priority is to keep you as safe as possible, and in order to re-open the clinic for face to face services, we have implemented a number of changes which we would like to make you aware of. 

These measures have been put in place following an extensive risk assessment and will be revised and amended as necessary. To help ensure we can run and maintain a safe environment for all, it is essential that you carefully read the steps we have taken and agree to comply with the measures we ask visitors to our clinic to take. 

The steps we’ve taken to create a Covid-19 Secure Clinic 

Online Virtual Consultations

  • Prior to booking any face to face consultations, we have to conduct an online assessment to identify which path of care is most appropriate for you. We must assess whether you have significant pain or an urgent clinical need that justifies attending for a face to face consultation, in line with the latest professional guidance. 
  • During this assessment we will diagnose your condition or injury, through a series of questions and tests, advise on the most appropriate advice and care and prescribe a personalised exercise programme, which we will then email you. 
  • Following the latest guidance, wherever possible, we will continue to offer virtual online appointments as a preferred alternative to face to face.
  • Should it be agreed face to face care is the preferred route, we will ensure that you understand:
    • The potential nature of close patient contact during our services
    • The level of PPE that a clinician will be required to wear
    • The infection prevention and control measures that must be taken
  • We will ask you to read a ‘Risks statement’ which we will confirm you understand and agree to. 
  • Given the guidance on shielding, those classified as ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’ will be discouraged from face to face appointments during the period of shielding. 


  • As part of the assessment, we will ask you a series of screening questions in relation to Covid-19. 
  • If you are attending for a face to face appointment, we will send you an online screening form which it is essential for you to complete online before your appointment.
  • We may ask to take your temperature on entry to the clinic as part of our screening.

COVID Secure 

  • All correspondence, invoices, exercises and receipts will be sent via email, so please ensure we have your correct email address and monitor your spam folder. We are unable to provide any paper documents, receipts or information. 
  • You will find physical reminders of social distancing throughout the clinic, including floor markings, posters and display screen messages.
  • All magazines, printed material and soft furnishings (including pillows and towels) have been removed. 
  • We would ask that if you would like a pillow or towel during treatment, to please bring your own. 
  • We will be minimising the use of equipment wherever possible. 

Clinic Capacity 

  • We would request that if at all possible, you do not bring anyone with you to your appointment. If it is your preference to bring someone with you, they will have to accompany you into the clinic room (they will not be able to wait in the waiting area) and will also be asked Covid-19 screening questions and to record their contact details should we require them in the future as part of track and trace. 
  • Children under 16 will need to be accompanied by a parent/guardian (in line with our Child Protection Policy), who will also need to answer Covid-19 screening questions. 
  • Please do not arrive early for your appointment to minimise the risk of contact with other patients. We ask that if you come by car, please wait in your car in the car park until your booked appointment time. At your appointment time, please wait at the front door of the clinic and your Clinician will greet you at your appointment time. 
  • Whilst in the clinic, please observe social distancing, by keeping at least 2m from anyone (unless receiving clinical treatment). 

Booking and payments

  • To reduce face to face contact with non-clinical staff, you will be asked to make any follow up appointments with your Clinician whilst still in the clinic room or online. No bookings will be made at reception. 
  • After your appointment, you will be sent an email with a link to make payment securely online. (Prompt payment would be much appreciated, don’t forget to check you spam folder if you don’t see the email). 
  • We will be unable to accept cash payments. 

Enhanced Cleaning 

  • We have put in place enhanced cleaning measures for all communal and clinical areas. The clinic rooms will be cleaned thoroughly in between every patient, and additional time has been scheduled to allow for this. 
  • All communal and high contact areas will be cleaned frequently.  
  • We have replaced all fabric chairs with wipeable seating and removed any soft furnishings and accessories, such as pillows and towels. 


  • We will ask all patients visiting the clinic to wear their own face covering. If possible, please wear your own face covering to the clinic. If you don’t have one, we will provide you with one. 
  • Our Clinicians will be wearing appropriate PPE in line with the latest guidance. 

Hand Hygiene 

  • Please do not wear your own gloves into the clinic, as this poses a potential risk. 
  • Please use hand sanitiser when you enter the clinic. 
  • Please refrain from touching anything whilst you are in the clinic. 
  • Our team understand the importance of hand hygiene and will ensure that they wash their hands in according with Covid-19 Secure guidelines before and after any ‘hands on’ interaction. 

Our services

  • We have carried out a risk assessment on all the services that we offer and we are confident that we can continue to provide these safely. We will be offering selected, essential services initially and will review what we offer on an ongoing basis subject to Government recommendations. 

We aim to make any interactions as safe, comfortable and valuable as possible. If you have any concerns about the services please let us know and we will do what we can to satisfy you. If you have any preferences regarding social distancing and ‘hands on’ treatments please advise your Clinician so that these can be respected. 

Thank you for your understanding

Best practice care for musculoskeletal pain

Best practice care for musculoskeletal pain


What does best practice care for musculoskeletal pain look like? A recent review was published by The British Medical Journal, that came up with 11 consistent recommendations to help form ‘best practice’ in the care of musculoskeletal pain. 

In today’s blog, we explore these recommendations, how we implement them at our clinic and what it means to you guys, the people with the pain or injury.

#1 Care should be patient centred This goes without saying, but you’re the one and only person that matters to us. We take time to get to know you, learn how your injury is impacting you, and work with you to understand your lifestyle, so we know what we are aiming for. Everyone and everyone’s circumstances are SO different and individual, so it’s crucial our approach to each and every person we see is individualised too. 

#2 Screen for serious conditions We take this incredibly seriously and although it may go un-noticed by you, we make sure that there is nothing serious going on. If we are in any way concerned, we’ll make sure we point you in the right direction and will provide any letters, phone calls or support that you need. 

#3 Assess psychological factors The body and the mind are inextricably linked. The power of the mind is incredible. You need to feel reassured, informed and have an appropriate understanding of your injury. Any doubts, fears, worries or misconceptions will really impact on your recovery. We make sure we consider any psychological factors that may be impacting you and address them appropriately. 

#4 Only refer for imaging if specifically indicated It’s a commonly held myth, that a scan or an X-Ray is needed in order to diagnose an injury. In fact, referrals for imaging (X-Rays or scans) are only needed in very specific cases. Why? Because all too often, symptoms do not relate to imaging results. So, an image may not show any damage or injury, but you may be getting symptoms. Equally, you may have damage on imaging, but be symptom free and seeing the damage on imagery can cause issues in itself! If we think that there is indication for a scan or X-Ray we will make sure we assist you with this. We can even refer directly to low cost, quick, private scanning – so you don’t have to get referred by a Dr, saving you even more time. 

#5 Physical examination This is our bread and butter. Using all our senses – looking, feeling, testing, questioning and putting it all together with our evaluation skills in order to explain to you exactly what’s going on. 

#6 Evaluate progress Together, we will set your goals, what you want to achieve through coming to see us. That’s the most important bit. However, we will also take measurements and document certain testing, so that we can measure your progress and ensure we’re on the right track. 

#7 Education We want to make sure that you fully understand what’s going on in as much detail as you need. Some people only want the basics, some want an in depth explanation. But if you can understand what’s going on and what you can do to help yourself with your recovery, you’re much more likely to succeed in achieving your goal. This may include modifying your activity or lifestyle slightly, changing a routine, adapting a training programme or work activity. 

#8 Address physical activity / exercise As a team of health professionals, it’s important that we support everyone in living a healthy and active life. As part of this, we can provide the necessary support and advice you may need to start or increase your physical activity. Some people find having an injury a bit of a wake up call to make some changes and often, getting more active is one. 

#9 Apply ‘manual therapy’ as an adjunct We use a huge range of treatments to help you with your recovery. Using our hands (manual therapy) is just one tool, and can be very beneficial in many ways for lot’s of different injuries and to help ease pain. It is very important though that it is used as an adjunct to more active approaches, such as exercise and education/advice. Manual therapy alone is unlikely to be a solution to your recovery, as it’s effects are often short lived – it’s the strengthening, stretching, confidence and education that makes the most impact on recovery. 

#10 Discuss non-surgical approaches (unless surgery indicated) Unfortunately, people still remain entrenched in the ‘medical model’ of belief, thinking that medicine and/or surgery are the only answer. They often want quick fixes and magic cures! Much of the evidence is now very clear on when surgery is indicated and it’s not as often as you may think! Osteopathy and physical treatments are often much more effective than surgery when given the chance in many conditions. Obviously, there are cases when surgery is absolutely the right decision. In these cases, our Clinicians will help with referrals and work very closely with many local Consultants to ensure you receive the most appropriate care. We can also closely liaise with your GP to facilitate this. 

#11 Facilitate continuation or return to work Staying at work or returning to work ASAP when you’ve had an injury is crucially important for your recovery. We can help advise on modifying your activities so this is possible. It may seem a bit daunting, especially if you’ve had to take time off work because of your injury. But remaining in work helps in so many ways. 

If you’ve got an injury and want the best possible care, then do give us a call on 01642 927302 and see if we can help you. 

Helping local people live a healthy, active, positive life, pain and injury free. 

Stuart Bentley Osteopaths

Back Pain Myth 2 – I should avoid exercise, especially weight training

Back Pain Myth 2 – I should avoid exercise, especially weight training

With back pain affecting so many people, The Chartered Society of Physiotherapists (CSP) have produced a series of evidence based, myth busters to tackle the common myths surrounding back pain.

The CSP are busting myths about back pain and reinforcing what the latest evidence says is best for your back.

Myth 2 – I should avoid exercise, especially weight training

Exercise is generally accepted amongst all respected authorities to be the best modality for treating low back pain, in both the acute and chronic phases.

Studies have shown great benefits and long-term safety of various types of exercises, including high load resistance training.

Interestingly, according to research, no one type of exercise proves to be better or worse, so simply do what you enjoy and can tolerate! Gradually build up as your confidence and ability improves.

If you’re not feeling confident about exercising with or when you’re recovering from or had back pain, we provide additional support where you work on a specific exercise programme designed for your individual needs and goals.



O’Sullivan and Lin (2014) Acute low back pain Beyond drug therapies; Pain Management Today, Volume 1, Number 1.

Steele et al (2015) A Review of the Clinical Value of Isolated Lumbar Extension Resistance Training for Chronic Low Back Pain; American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Volume 7, Issue 2, Pages 169–187.

Searle et al (2015) Exercise interventions for the treatment of chronic low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials; Clinical Rehabilitation 2015, Vol. 29(12) 1155 –1167.

Bjorn et al (2015) Individualized Low-Load Motor Control Exercises and Education Versus a High-Load Lifting Exercise and Education to Improve Activity, Pain Intensity, and Physical Performance in Patients With Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial; Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, Volume:45 Issue:2 Pages:77-85.

Pieber et al (2014) Long-term effects of an outpatient rehabilitation program in patients with chronic recurrent low back pain; Eur Spine J 23:779–785.

Vincent et al (2014) Resistance Exercise, Disability, and Pain Catastrophizing in Obese Adults with Back Pain; Med Sci Sports Exerc. 46(9): 1693–170.

Smith et al (2014) An update of stabilisation exercises for low back pain: a systematic review with meta-analysis. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 15:416 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2474-15-416

Back Pain Myth 1 – Moving will make my back pain worse

Back Pain Myth 1 – Moving will make my back pain worse

The Chartered Society of Physiotherapists (CSP) have produced a series of evidence based myth busters to tackle the common myths surrounding back pain.

The CSP are busting myths about back pain and reinforcing what the latest evidence says is best for your back.

Myth 1 – Moving will make my back pain worse 

Although it is true that some movements can be uncomfortable when you have back pain, it is well established that returning to movement and work as soon as you are able, is better for recovery and preventing recurrence than bed rest.

This is not a new concept by any means, but it is an unfortunate misconception which is continues to endure, due in part, to the complex nature of pain.



Balagu, F. et al., 2012. Non-specific low back pain. The Lancet, 379(9814), pp.482–491.

Darlow, B. et al., 2015. Easy to Harm, Hard to Heal. Spine, (August 2016), p.1.

Picavet, H.S.J., Vlaeyen, J.W.S. & Schouten, J.S.A.G., 2002. Pain catastrophizing and kinesiophobia: Predictors of chronic low back pain. American Journal of Epidemiology, 156(11), pp.1028–1034.

Pincus, T. et al., 2002. A systematic review of psychological factors as predictors of chronicity/disability in prospective cohorts of low back pain. Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 27(5), pp.E109–20. 

Swinkels-Meewisse, I.E.J. et al., 2006. Acute low back pain: Pain-related fear and pain catastrophizing influence physical performance and perceived disability. Pain, 120(1-2), pp.36–43.

Waddell, G., 1993. Simple low back pain: rest or active exercise? Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 52(5), p.317. 

Wynne-Jones, G. et al., 2014. Absence from work and return to work in people with back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Occupational and environmental medicine, 71(6), pp.448–56.

Ouch! What to do when you sustain an injury

Sprains and strains

Sprains and strains to muscles and joints happen to all of us and for most they are a painful, but temporary reminder to be a little more careful. Prompt action can help your body to heal faster and may prevent further injury or prolonged pain.

Strained or ‘pulled’ muscles often happen when we over exert untrained muscles, train without properly warming up or try to go beyond a joint’s natural flexibility. Sometimes we feel the pain straight away, however some injuries might not cause pain until later on. What can you do?

Remember RICE (Relative rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation), using these can help to relieve the pain and start the healing process.

Relative Rest

The first thing to do if you feel pain is to reduce the offending activity – pain is usually your body’s way of telling you that there is something wrong that needs your attention. It can be normal to feel a little sore after exercises for a day or two, but if it is more than this, pushing through the pain is rarely beneficial.

However, movement stimulates the healing process so stay as mobile as you comfortably can. Try to keep the joint moving through a comfortable range of motion, without forcing it to the point of pain. This will help to encourage blood flow and keep your joint flexible whilst it heals. This is particularly relevant for back pain as gentle exercise, such as walking, can help. You should slowly build your activity levels up as soon as your symptoms begin to resolve and as soon as you are able.


Cooling the area using an ice pack can help to reduce swelling and pain. Wrap a thin tea towel around the area so as to avoid direct skin contact and then apply the pack to the injured area for 10 – 15 minutes. You should repeat this several times per day for the first 72 hours. This will help to control inflammation, making it easier for your body to get blood and nutrients to the area and resolve the injured tissues.


Gently applying a compression dressing may help to temporarily support the injured joint and reduce swelling, though remove this immediately if there are signs that this is reducing the circulation to the area (numbness, pins and needles, the skin turning white or blue etc).


If the injury is in the lower limb (knee or ankle), elevating the area a little can make it easier for your body drain fluids that might accumulate around the area, causing swelling. For example, if you’ve hurt your knee, sitting down with the knee raised on a low foot stool may ease your pain.

Seek medical attention

If you have pain that can’t be controlled with over the counter painkillers, can’t put weight on the injured limb, experience paralysis or loss of sensation or the swelling is very bad seek help from your local A&E department, urgent care centre or telephone 111 for advice.

If the pain or swelling fails to improve within a week, a visit to an osteopath may be beneficial. They will be able to assess the injury, advise you on the correct treatment and can provide some manual therapy which may help it get better faster.

Postural Problems

Postural Problems

Few of us are likely to conclude that we have perfect posture. Most of us probably spend too much time slumped at our laptop, staring at a screen at work or stand slouched, as it ‘feels more comfortable’.

Modern Technology doesn’t help

In today’s modern technological world, we have become more sedentary, we sit longer, rely more heavily on gadgets, cars, mobiles and computers. Children follow suit from an early age and attend our clinic better versed at the use of an iPad than most of our staff.

Sit-stand desks

We are simply not designed to be as sedentary as we are living today. Not only does this impact heavily on our skeleton and muscles, but our heart, lungs, digestion and indeed our spirit and emotional wellbeing too. Many large companies are starting to take this on board, introducing sit-stand desks and getting staff moving more, but a lot more needs to be done for us to stay fit and healthy.

Centre of gravity and posture

Our body has an ‘ideal’ centre of gravity. Too long away from this ideal means that the joints change the alignment they are designed to be in as they are pushed or pulled from the centre. When this happens, instead of the bony part of the spine, designed to take the loading taking it, the soft tissues and muscles are forced too. Even this balance in the muscular system is then also not balanced as the load does not fall evenly resulting in some muscles working really hard and for long periods and others not working much at all. Muscles then become fatigued and this can cause pain and stiffness.

Many of the common problems that I see in clinic, like back pain and headaches, often have a postural component to them. I will work to assess your posture, alongside your condition and identify areas of muscle weakness and overload and then use techniques like osteopathy, massage, orthotic prescription and exercise to gently and effectively restore you back to health. My aim is to work in partnership with you to help you achieve your goals.

Persistent Pain

Persistent Pain

We all feel pain from time to time. When someone injures themselves, specific nerves recognise this as pain, which in turn triggers the body’s repair mechanism. As the problem resolves, the pain tends to improve and usually disappears within 3-6 months. This type of pain could be argued to be beneficial: if it hurts, you are likely to try and avoid doing whatever it is that has caused the pain in the future, so you are less likely to injure yourself in that way again.

Occasionally the pain continues even after tissue healing has finished. When pain continues after this point, it becomes known as persistent (or is sometimes referred to as chronic) pain. This type of pain is not beneficial and is a result of the nerves becoming over-sensitised, which means that a painful response will be triggered much more easily than normal. This can be unpleasant, but doesn’t necessarily mean that you are doing yourself any harm simply by moving. You could think of this as a sensitive car alarm that goes off in error when someone walks past.

Persistent pain is very common and effects over 14 million people in the UK alone. It often does not respond to conventional medical interventions and needs a different kind of approach, but there are many things that you can do to manage your pain yourself with the support of your osteopath, your family and loved-ones. Keeping active, performing exercises and stretches can help, learning to pace your activities so that you don’t trigger a flare-up of your pain as well as setting goals and priorities are all very important and can help you to maintain a fulfilling lifestyle.

For more information on how to manage your persistent pain, speak to your osteopath.


Content courtesy of Institute of Osteopathy

Back Pain and Children

Like adults, children can suffer from back pain as a result of a variety of lifestyle activities.  And like adults, there are number of things that parents and carers can do to prevent issues arising.

If your child does complain of back pain, it is important to seek advice from a qualified professional, such as an osteopath.  An osteopath will help to establish the cause of the problem and will provide advice on treatment, or refer you for further examinations if required.

Good school bags

Children are often required to carry bags full of books, PE kits, musical instruments and other equipment to and from school. Parents should try to limit the weight of school bags as much as possible and invest in a good quality back pack that the child should wear across both shoulders, ideally with a strap across the chest to keep the load close to their body. Packing the bag with the heaviest items (such as laptops and heavy books) closest to child’s body, will also make carrying more comfortable and less likely to strain the muscles of the back.

Limit screen time

Looking down to use smart phones, tablets and laptops for an extended period can pull the back and neck into an unnatural posture, resulting in pain. Placing limits on the time spent using devices and encouraging regular breaks may help to avoid problems. If your child has to use a laptop for homework, consider purchasing a support that elevates the screen to a height that allows him or her to sit up straight to look at it.

Regular exercise

A sedentary lifestyle is known to contribute to the risk of developing back pain, as well as contributing to obesity. Regular physical activity helps to keep the core muscles that support the spine strong and maintain flexibility, which will help to avoid back pain. Encourage lots of active play, walking, running, swimming, cycling to keep your child fit and healthy.

The right bed and pillow

Good quality sleep is vital for both physical and mental development. Make sure that your child has a good sized comfortable bed with a firm mattress and a pillow that supports their head without lifting it too high.

Osteopathic Treatment for your child’s back pain

Your child’s back pain may benefit from osteopathic treatment.  Using gentle manual therapy an osteopath will help to resolve any stresses and strains that are affecting their body and relieve their pain. They can also provide lifestyle advice that may help to prevent the problem from coming back.


Content courtesy of Institute of Osteopathy

Active 10

We all know how important it is to be active. The good news is that you don’t have to go to the gym or start expensive fitness programmes, walking counts too! Just ten minutes of brisk walking every day can get your heart pumping and can make you feel more energetic, as well as lowering your risk of serious illnesses like heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Going for a brisk walk is also a great way to clear your head.

To help you get started, a new strand of work from Public Health England’s One You programme is encouraging all adults to build more physical activity into their life by simply walking briskly for ten continuous minutes or more every day, known as ‘Active 10s’.  Active 10s are simple to fit into your day, from taking the dog out to going for a lunchtime walk. There is a free Active 10 app which shows how much brisk walking you are doing and where you can fit ten minute bursts of brisk walking into your day. You can find out more about the app below, or download it here.

The Institute of Osteopathy is delighted to be working in partnership with Public Health England on One You and hope to inspire thousands of people to become more physically active by using Active 10.  For more information on keeping fit and healthy, visit your osteopath who can provide guidance and advice to help you get active. You can find an osteopath here.


Without knowing it, by the time we reach our 40s and 50s many of us will have dramatically increased our chances of becoming ill later in life. Whether we are eating the wrong things, drinking more than we should, continuing to smoke despite everything we know, or just not being active enough, all of these small things can add up to an unhealthy you.

Making better choices today can have a huge influence on our health, and could prevent conditions like type 2 diabetes, cancer and heart disease, and reduce our risk of suffering a stroke or living with dementia, disability and frailty in later life. Physical inactivity is a major cause of disease and disability for adults in the UK and costs the NHS millions every year.

The campaign, Active 10 was created following research which found that 60% of middle aged adults had not walked for 10 or more consecutive minutes in the last month.  Active 10 aims to highlight the difference that at least ten minutes of physical activity a day now, can make to your health in later life.

Brisk Walking and the Active 10 App

We all know the importance of being physically active and the good news is that just 10 continuous minutes of brisk walking counts as physical activity. Brisk walking is simply walking faster than you would do normally, which gets the heart pumping, makes you feel more energetic and helps to improve your mood. Over time it can also help to lower the risk of serious illness like heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Active 10 has a free app you can download which includes tips and encouragement to help you fit ten-minute brisk walking sessions into your daily routine. It also tells you how much brisk walking you are currently doing as well as helping you to slowly build up from just 10 minutes of exercise to 30 minutes a day by providing regular rewards, challenges and encouragement.

About One You

Active 10 is the latest physical activity campaign from the One You programme, devised by Public Health England. One You is the first national programme that seeks to encourage adults to make positive changes to their everyday behaviours that could see them avoid many of the diseases caused by modern day lifestyles. It is estimated that habits such as poor diet, excessive alcohol, smoking and a lack of activity – are responsible for around 40% of all deaths in England and costs the NHS more than £11 billion a year.

The One You campaign provides positive lifestyle messages on areas such as smoking cessation, eating, drinking, sleeping and moving to inform, energise and engage millions of adults, especially those in middle age. One You also provides information on free health checks and how people can reduce their stress levels and sleep better.

Osteopathy is a profession that focuses on creating an environment for supporting the health of our patients and the One You campaign, with its focus on positive messages for overall optimal health, is a campaign that aligns well with our osteopathic principles. Osteopaths are ideally placed to provide health advice and guidance to aid people to make the changes proposed by the One You campaign, and demonstrate that there is far more to osteopathic practice than just treating backs.

Resources you need

  • How are you? This 10-minute quiz will give you an idea of improvements you can make to better your long-term health.
  • Active 10 App ( Download this app to see how much brisk walking you currently do and set new targets for physical activity.
  • Visit the Active 10 website to find out more Are you interested in finding out more about Public Health England’s Active 10 and One You campaigns, visit the link above to find out more.

Content courtesy of Institute of Osteopathy